What's new at Sarisari etc...?

Regular visitors should check this page first to find out what's new at Sarisari etc. Any significant changes will be posted here. 


17 November 2008 - My most recent articles can now be found on the website of the Pilipino Express News Magazine website. Also, the mirror site for Sarisari etc has been closed.

4 June 2007 - This announcement is just to draw attention to the issue of plagiarism. The Philippine Daily Inquirer ran an article (Teaching ABCs the alibata way, May 13, 2007) in which Raymond M. Cosare, a professor at Far Eastern University, parroted whole paragraphs from one of my baybayin articles in an interview Tina G. Santos. See: Baybayin Links.

14 July 2006 - Has it been so long? I have been making small improvements from time to time over the past two years. Yesterday, I finally revised the Laguna Copperplate article. The new version was published a few months back in the Pilipino Express. I will get around to translating it into Filipino soon - in less tha two years, I hope!

6 February 2004 - The entire Sarisari web site now has a mirror site on the .Mac servers. The new address is http://homepage.mac.com/paulmorrow/. The old address is still in service at http://paulmorrow.ca/ The reason for the duplication is to make this site more accessible. I have occasionally had problems loading my own pages from the MTS server so, I figured it must have been even more of a problem for visitors from the other side of the world. If the Mac server is even half as reliable as Apple computers, I will be very pleased.

17 May 2003 - The Filipino version of the main baybayin article is finally complete. Baybayin: Ang Lumang Sulat ng Filipinas. Many, many thanks, once again, to Emmie Joaquin for helping to proof read and edit this, the largest single essay at Sarisari etc.

26 April 2003 - A new page offers strategies for writing difficult  non-Filipino words and names in baybayin. It is called How do I write my name in baybayin?, which is the most often asked question sent to Sarisari etc.

25 March 2003 - Two new pages have been added to the web site. Ang Pinagmulan ng mga Wika ng Filipinas was taken from Filipino@bp and given its own page. Mga Salitang Siyokoy is an all new page about how words that don't really exist are supposedly borrowed from the Spanish language.

4 March 2003 - All the baybayin TrueType fonts are now available in Macintosh format. Get them at the Free Fonts page.

Also, I have completed a rough draft of the Filipino translation of the Baybayin: The Ancient Script of the Philippines article. I hope to have the final version on the web site very soon.

25 January 2003 - I have added a little more information to the Kalantiaw article. It shows more evidence of recent Filipino textbooks that still promote the Kalantiaw hoax as true. Kalantiaw, The Hoax.

19 January 2003 - A new font called Baybayin Lopez has been added to the Free Fonts page. All of the other fonts have been updated too. The baybayin characters have been duplicated on the upper case keys and their spacing has been tweaked. And all of the fonts are now Unicode compliant thanks to the efforts of Mr. Jason Glavy of Japan.

5 January 2003
- The citations and notes pop-ups are now repaired. Previously they could not be viewed properly in older browsers. They can be found in the articles about the Baybayin, Maragtas and, Kalantiaw.

3 January 2003
- The Filipino translation of the revised baybayin tutorial is now complete. Baybayin, Isang Aralin sa Pagsulat ng mga Sinaunang Filipino Many thanks again to Emmie Joaquin for her help in proof reading and editing. It improved my translation immensely.

11 November 2002 - The whole Baybayin section of the site has been revised and expanded. The main article and the tutorial have both been completely re-written with much more information and graphics. New pages have been added too. This brings the total number of baybayin related pages to 21! Go back to the Home page to see all the links to the main baybayin pages.
Many thanks to all the people who have shared material with me that went into the articles. They are: Charity Beyer Bagatsing, Michael Cueva, Terrio Echevez, Wolfgang Kuhl, Jojo Malig, Dr. Malcolm Warren Mintz, and Hector Santos. Thanks also to Emmie Joaquin for her past editorial assistance and to Cherie Calaqui for her help in tracking down elusive information sources in the Philippines.

30 August 2002 - The ABC's of the Ancient Baybayin has been updated with better information and a larger, clearer image of the page from the 1593 Doctrina Christiana. Watch for a major overhaul of the Baybayin section with more information, more graphics and some new pages.

23 August 2002 - A new page has been added. A Brief Guide to Filipino Pronunciation will help non-Filipinos learn how to pronounce Filipino words by themselves. And it may also be helpful to Pinoys who want a quick refresher course on accent marks and some grammatical terms.

May 2002 - I have finally finished the Filipino version of the revised Kalantiaw article. Once again I owe many thanks to my friend Emmie Joaquin for proof reading and editing my less than perfect Filipino. It took a lot of patience on her part and her input helped me to improve the English version too. See: Kalantiaw: Ang Panlilinlang.

April 2002 - The Laguna Copperplate pages have been updated. The changes are mostly cosmetic. There is now an actual photograph of the copperplate inscription from the National Museum of the Philippines. I plan to improve the text as well. I just don't know when.

February 2002 - The new and improved Kalantiaw article is now posted with much more information, better citations, new images and a bibliography.  Many thanks to Mr. Rod Inamarga for answering all my pestering e-mails and sharing his insight into Aklanon history and culture. Kalantiaw the Hoax.